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  • Oct 7, 2019
  • 340 vue(s)

Discover How Excel and SharePoint Interact in Our New Course

Find out how to make good use of the interactions between Excel and SharePoint to work collaboratively!


Collaborate Easily with Excel and SharePoint

In this course, our expert trainer will give you tips on how to use Excel and SharePoint collaboratively.

If you are tired of losing your data or having to perform multiple actions to work with several people on the same document, this course is for you!

Our trainer will tell you about the automatic save, to never lose your data, and the history to keep a record of your work and find previous versions. With other features, you can see the latest changes made to a document and comment directly on it to better track actions.

You will also learn how to create SharePoint lists and pages by importing Excel dashboards.

This course will be divided into 4 parts:

  • Work with Excel heavy client and online
  • Export structured Excel tables to SharePoint
  • Export SharePoint lists to Excel
  • Display an Excel dashboard in a SharePoint page

The objectives of this course are to discover how Excel and SharePoint interact and to improve collaboration to be more efficient and save time.


Do you want to know how these tools interact? Register!


To register, go to the course page: Discover How Excel and SharePoint Interact.

Then, select the date that suits you.

Register now, places are limited!


For these first sessions, sessions will take place on:

  • Friday, October 11, 2019 at 2:30 PM (UTC+2)
  • Monday, October 14, 2019 at 11:00 AM (UTC+2)

To register and meet our expert trainer, click here:


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? Make an appointment with us

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