Since the start of 2019, new features and updates are available in your admin portal.

Let's go over them!


Your admin portal

This admin portal shows, in near real time, user statistics and various resources available on the MOOC Office 365 platform.

Reporting gives you detailed information about users, learning paths, courses and other resources. You can also access statistics on gamification and quiz.

User information, on the other hand, allow you to have access to user information and various data such as:

  • Communication to view incoming mails
  • Licenses to find out their validity
  • The dates of visits to the MOOC Office 365 platform and resource consumption
  • The number of points and badges obtained.

And thus, as an administrator, you can manage your licenses and your users in this portal.


MOOC help chat

Any questions? Need an explanation on a feature? You can now directly chat from your admin portal.

Our support team is available from 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and from 2:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. (GMT UTC+1h), Monday thru Friday, to answer all your questions live. All requests sent during closing time will be redirected as emails; you will get a reply during our regular office hours.


Switch from French to English with a simple click

A new button is available at the top right of your admin portal to switch the language from English to French and vice-versa.


Access user space from your admin portal

Switch easily from your admin portal to the user space by clicking on your profile at the top right and then on "My Platform".


More and more reporting!

In the reporting section, the new "Search" tab lets you know the different searches made by your users via the search engine of the MOOC Office 365 platform. This report indicates the conversion rate as well as the most popular consumed resource. This way you know what your users are looking for the most.


Do you need to find out more about this admin portal? Don't hesitate to contact us at this address:


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