Did you know that Outlook offers a read tracking service? With this, you can receive a delivery receipt once your email has been delivered et a read receipt once your recipient has opened it. Make your life easier with Microsoft Outlook!


Step 1: The “Options” tab

Beforehand, open Outlook and write your email. Once it’s done, click on the “Options” tab in the tool bar.

Step 2: The “Tracking” category

Then, if the “Tracking” category is not a proposed option, click on the “…” at left end of the tool bar

Step 3: Delivery and read receipts

When you click on the “…” a list will drop down where you will be able to find the “Tracking” category. Now, you just have to click on the propositions that interest you.

  • Request a Delivery Receipt will notify you when your email arrives in your recipient’s mailbox
  • Request a Read Receipt will notify you when your recipient opens your email

You can activate both options if you wish to receive both notifications.

For the read receipt, a notification will be sent to your recipient when they open your email to ask them if they accept to send you the read receipt. They just have to answer “Yes”, and Microsoft Outlook will take care of the rest.


You now know how to track your emails thank to this service by Microsoft Outlook. Receive a confirmation of arrival and/or opening by your recipient, in only a few clicks!


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