In November, we gave a webinar based on the following topic:

  • Office 365: How to Determine the Right Tool to Use?

Once again, many of you have signed up for our webinars. Thank you for your participation!
Let’s go over some of the questions you had during this live event.


Webinar Replay

Last week you attended one of our trainer’s Office 365 webinar.
You weren't there? Go to the replay now!


Dina, our international trainer, answers your questions:

1) How do I know when I ought to share a document from my own working space rather than a larger one?

Well, it all depends on the purpose of my document. What is the target audience for my file? Is the document created reserved for me alone or can it have an interest/use for the collective?
In this case, the choice of storage tool is going to be easier to determine. Initially my document can be on my personal space. Then if it is necessary to the collective, it can be moved / copied to a wider audience.


2) Sometimes we want to communicate instantly at the enterprise level (e.g., special event that takes place today on the site). In this case, what is the right tool?

It depends a little on the corporate culture, there are different possibilities:

  • I can send an email/newsletter to inform them.
  • I can notify people about the event and hit them back for the information, either on the intranet (SharePoint notification, information page) or to the corporate social network (Yammer ad!!).


3) What is suggested to be used for a WEB Cast with more than 100 users? e.g. general information by Audio and Video by CEO to whole company?

You can organize webcasts for over 100 users using Microsoft Teams live events. For more information, click on this link.

Skype is not recommended, as it is expected to be discontinued.


See you soon on the MOOC Office 365 site


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