Have you ever sent an email but forgot to attach a file or left in typing errors? We have the solution to your problem! With Outlook, you can recall an email, which delete it from your recipient’s mailbox, allowing you to resume writing your email from where you stopped before sending it.

Before anything else, for this trick to work you need to make sure of two things:

  1. Your and your recipient’s email addresses must be connected to a Microsoft Exchange Server
  2. You are using the Outlook application, as the web version does not have this functionality


Beforehand, open your Outlook mailbox.

Step 1: Open the email in another window

In the left side column, go the Sent Items category to find the email you wish to delete or modify.

Une image contenant tableDescription générée automatiquement

Once you find the email in question, double click on it to open it in another window.

Step 2: Recall the message

To recall your email, click on “…” in the top-right of your ribbon and in the dropdown list click on “Actions”, then select “Recall this message…”.

A window opens, in which you can choose between two options, as shown in the image below:

  • Delete unread copies in this message
  • Delete unread copies and replace with a new message

Une image contenant texteDescription générée automatiquement


Be careful to take into account the fact that your recipient might have already read your message.


From now on, no more worries! If you forget to join a file or make typing mistakes in your message and your email has already been sent, you now know how easily and rapidly to recall it.


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