The Replay is available

We would like to thank the 90 participants who registered for our eagerly awaited webinar about driving Teams adoption in company.

You missed this webinar? Find now the replay:

Questions / Answers from the webinar: Driving Teams Adoption

1. Do we need training before deployment?

Yes, the training must happen in parallel with the deployment, so each employee can put into practice his knowledge.


2. What are the steps not to be missed in this change? For example, in an SME we cannot deploy a major change project due to a lack of resources and budget.

The main steps that should not be overlooked are:

  • Awareness by sponsors
  • Communication on the issues
  • Support of teams


3. According to you, what is the time for a good diffusion of the tool in collaborators teams about 8 people?

It depends on the digital maturity and resistance to change of these 8 people.


4. How to situate Teams in comparison with others Office 365 tools (Skype / Yammer / SharePoint)?

Teams is an application aggregator, all Office 365 applications are integrated in the same interface. In Teams you will find Skype’s instant messaging, screen sharing and remote meeting features. You will also find Yammer’s thread. Finally, you have a SharePoint integrated into Teams.


5. What do you recommend: should the creation of Teams be left free or controlled?

I think the creation should be to controlled. Firstly, to avoid duplication and secondly to avoid too many teams. Indeed, it may overwhelm users and not encourage adoption. One solution could be to create “sandbox” Teams.


6. Is it possible to send a sharing link on a Teams file to a person who is outside the team?

If this person is outside of the team, he has no access to this file. But, you can share the file if you share it through SharePoint of Teams.


7. Where can I find a Teams presentation?

You can find tutorials to introduce Teams on the MOOC Office 365 platform.


8. Can I invite people to a meeting on Teams and other people on Skype for Business?

It will be possible to contact people on Skype via Teams (and conversely) provided that Teams UpGrade modes are assigned by the administrator.


9. If the client only chooses a Teams environment for its company, can an external provider using only Skype for Business be able to participate in a Teams project?

People who do not have Teams will use Teams online.


Any question? Contact us
See you soon on the MOOC Office 365!