As global warming is becoming a more and more worrying reality, the current challenge is to protect the environment and engage in an environmentally friendly transition. To achieve this, we can try to limit the harmful impact that electronic pollution has on our planet.

In a society that is on a full digital transition mode, more and more companies are part of this ecological awareness called "Digitally responsible".

Every year the Cyber World Clean Up Day takes place.  Such day, which took place on March 19th 2022, was about raising awareness of the carbon footprint we leave every day when we use digital tools.

So, what are the practical best practices to be digitally responsible and limit our ecological impact?

It is important to remember that the first step in becoming digitally responsible is to avoid changing your electronic equipment too regularly (computers, smartphones, tablets etc ...). It is essential, as well, to recycle these devices with specialized companies.

However, there is still some work to be done in terms of our professional life to limit our environmental impact.

 In this article, through 5 simple and effective tips, we will see how our Microsoft 365 tools can help us limit our carbon footprint.


1. Use your keywords to refine your searches is very effective in limiting our CO2 consumption during an internet browsing: the more accurate your search, the faster you will find the web page that interests you. Therefore, less greenhouse gases will be generated.

Note: Tap the web address directly in the address toolbar whenever you can, this will reduce by 4 the greenhouse gas emission.


2. Remember to save your favorite sites in your favorites (like the address of your training platform MOOC Office 365 for example :))

Note: That is the small star icon at the top right of your URL page.


3. Send emails only when necessary. It is much better to send an instant message through Teams than to send an email to a collaborator.

Here is a link to one of our tutorials "Chat in private or in small group": here

Note: You should know that an e-mail without an attachment generates 10 grams of CO2 or the carbon imprint of a plastic bag.


4. Delete unnecessary emails regularly from your mailbox and empty your recycle bin. You can go further and create specific rules on Microsoft Outlook to redirect emails to a specific folder for an easier sorting and deletion.

Here's a quick tutorial to help you create your own rules: here


5. Limit the number of recipients in your exchanges, this will reduce the CO2 produced by this email.


On a daily basis, we can all act at individually to help limit our ecological impact. Every gesture counts, so don't wait any longer to put these small everyday tips into practice!

See you soon for new tips!


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