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Microsoft OneDrive Video Training – Intermediate

Microsoft OneDrive Video Training – Intermediate

  • 0h 27 min
  • Viewed 913 fois

Training Theme 

Familiar with the Microsoft OneDrive storage tool, but want to better manage your file library? This training will allow you to master the advanced settings of your online storage space.

Learn about the advanced features of Microsoft OneDrive: How to recover deleted items? How do you ensure that the shares you have granted are still relevant and secure? Or how to save space when you synchronize your Cloud space with your computer, thanks to the "Files on Demand" function?

Microsoft OneDrive allows you to manage and set up your personal online storage in a specific way, so that it meets your needs.

Training Objectives 

You know Microsoft OneDrive and you want to optimize the use and management of your online storage space.

At the end of this training you will know:

  •     How to control document sharing
  •     How to sync your OneDrive folder to your computer with specific settings

Prerequisite and Target Audience 

Target audience: Users who are familiar with OneDrive features and want to improve their use of the tool
Startup Level: Intermediate
Prerequisite: Master independently the intermediate uses of computer navigation and the uses of your computer

Means and Methods 

  • E-Learning Modules: A video series to help you achieve the defined educational objective.
  • Documents and other materials: Additional information or educational activities to complement this course.  

Training Content 

1 Use Case Video

  •     Find all the documents someone shared with you

9 Video Tutorials on OneDrive: advanced features broken down into 2 lessons  

  •     Sharing options  
    •     How to avoid the excessive sharing of my document
    •     How to protect my document with a password
    •     Manage Access
    •     Change access rights
    •     File request
  •     Restore & synchronize  
    •     Recover deleted items
    •     Restore OneDrive
    •     Change location where you sync libraries on your computer (Windows 10 - 1709)
    •     Change location where you sync libraries on your computer (Windows 10 - 1903)

1 Course Knowledge Validation Quiz 

Learn more about Microsoft OneDrive

You use Microsoft OneDrive on a daily basis to store your documents and share them occasionally with your colleagues. Your online storage space provides specific file management features: do you know them?

Regarding the security of your documents, for example, did you know that you can set sharing and editing rights at either folder or document level, meaning you can start collaborating with colleagues either inside or outside your organization? By applying a few simple rules, to restrict changes or by protecting your sensitive documents with a password for example, you ensure that you control who has access to the information and how it is transmitted.

Microsoft OneDrive also lets you better manage how your storage space and computer are synced. Choose the folders and documents you want to sync and free up space on your workstation, for example, by making large documents accessible only online, while making them visible from your File explorer.

