Stream - Having Your Own Video Stream Channel Use Case

In this video, you will learn how to create your own video stream channel using Microsoft 365. You can make your video content available to a select group of people in your company and control access to it.
You don't need to rely on external services like YouTube or Vimeo or set up a video streaming server in your company.
Office 365 includes a video streaming service called Stream.
To create a training video channel, you can go to the Stream application in Office 365 and select "Create" and then "Create a group." This allows you to create a group of people directly in Stream or link the channel to an existing Office 365 Group.
You can search for a group that was previously created in Teams or Outlook.
Once the channel is created, you can upload videos to it by simply dragging and dropping them.
Make sure to uncheck the option that allows only the people in the group to watch the videos.
After uploading, you need to publish the videos.
To make the videos available to group members, you can use Teams.
In the relevant channel, add a Stream tab and paste the URL for the channel you created.
Only the members of the group will be able to view the videos.
On the Stream page, you can track viewing statistics, likes, and comments.
With Stream, you can easily put video content online in just a few minutes and control access to it by creating your own channels and using Office groups.
This will help you enhance your training efforts and provide a seamless learning experience for your team.

  • 2:33

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