Stream - Manual migration of videos to Stream for SharePoint Tutorial

In this video, you will learn about the manual migration process of videos from Classic Stream to Stream on SharePoint.
The video explains the pros and cons of this approach, highlighting the advantage of carefully selecting and retaining only relevant video content.
The manual migration is done by individual users, dividing the workload.
The main downside is the longer implementation time compared to bulk migration.
To manually migrate videos, you need to log into Classic Stream, select a video, and download it to obtain the file.
Then, you have two options:
transition to Stream for SharePoint and upload the video, or directly upload the video to your storage area, such as OneDrive, SharePoint, or Teams.
Once the video is stored in a Microsoft 365 cloud solution, it will also be available in Stream for SharePoint.
However, recreating previously established video channels can be a challenge.
You will need to replace them with playlists within Stream.
You can easily create a playlist from your video directory, which can serve as a Stream channel to share with your colleagues.
When setting up the playlist, specify where it should be stored, preferably the same location as your videos.
In conclusion, this video covers the process of extracting videos, creating playlists, and sharing them with colleagues, allowing you to continue your practices from Classic Stream.
This manual migration approach helps you carefully select relevant video content and efficiently manage your videos on SharePoint.


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