Word - Track changes online Tutorial

In this video, you will learn how to track changes online using Microsoft 365. Collaborating with multiple people can be confusing when dealing with multiple copies of a document.
However, by collaborating online, you can work off the same original document without making copies.
To get started, save your document online in your OneDrive or your organization's Office 365 site.
Then, share the document with your writing team by adding their email addresses and requesting them to open the document in Word with track changes turned on.
Once the document is shared, team members can open it in Word online or in Word if they have it installed.
They can make revisions and comments, which will update the online document.
Changes made by other team members will be visible in real-time.
You can collaborate with others in real-time, communicate using an app like Skype for Business, and make final edits.
If online collaboration is not an option, Word also has tools to help you deal with changes in multiple copies.
Tracking changes online simplifies the collaboration process and eliminates the need for combining documents or waiting for changes via email.

  • 3:14

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