PowerPoint - Check Accessibility in PowerPoint Tutorial

In this video, you will learn how to check accessibility in PowerPoint.
The video covers the process of using the "Check Accessibility" tool in Microsoft Office 365 to test the readability of your document.
It is recommended to use this tool once your PowerPoint presentation is finished to ensure its accessibility.
To access the tool, go to the review tab and click on "Check Accessibility." An information pane will open, displaying the results of the inspection and any errors that could hinder comprehension.
You can troubleshoot these errors by clicking on the arrow next to each issue, which will provide a list of recommended actions.
You can apply a one-click fix or explore more options by clicking on the arrow.
Clicking on an error will take you directly to the object that needs attention.
The main errors you may encounter in PowerPoint are related to the alternative text of images and the reading order, which is crucial for accessibility.
The checker will always remind you to check the reading order correctly.
You can check the order of objects by clicking on the arrow next to one of the slides.
Remember to uncheck items that do not provide any information and do not need to be read by the reader.
Additionally, it is important to rename your slides and sections.
To receive real-time notifications of accessibility issues, select the "Keep accessibility checker running while I work" checkbox.
This will add a button to your status bar, allowing you to track issues while you work.
Simply click on the button to open the information pane.
Learning how to check accessibility in PowerPoint will help you ensure that your presentations are accessible to all users.


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