Viva Engage - Engaging and animating a group Tutorial

In this video, you will learn about engaging and animating a group using Viva Engage.
The video covers the advantages of using Viva Engage, such as increased engagement, learning opportunities, and enriching collaboration.
It demonstrates how to create interesting discussions by asking questions and initiating relevant conversation topics.
Encouraging members to express their opinions, share experiences, and debate current topics stimulates engagement and fosters the exchange of ideas within the group.
The video also shows how to ask relevant questions about ongoing projects or the use of specific software and how to share compliments and recognize achievements within the group.
By utilizing tools like the praise feature, attaching files or images, creating polls, and making announcements, you can effectively animate your group, encourage constructive exchanges, and create a positive atmosphere where members feel valued and engaged.
This tutorial will help you enhance your group's engagement and create a strong community using Viva Engage.


